My first White House letter

Seattle, Washington 98121
February 28, 2017

President Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Re: Budget Announcement

Dear President Trump:

The recent announcement concerning a proposed massive increase in the nation’s military budget is troubling – especially one that exceeds the recommendations of the military itself.

Of the threats facing our country, none is likely to be countered effectively by simply increasing our military presence.

We may hope to thwart terrorist attacks inside the U.S. through improved intelligence or better policing (or, more likely, smarter politics), but uniformed troops aren’t going to be useful.  We will not be attacked with tanks or mortars.

Abroad, we already have the might to neutralize any country likely to attack us, and we do not have an appetite to meddle in other nations’ affairs. Do we seriously believe that we can persuade people in Europe or Asia to change their behavior by a show of force? “Throwing money at” a problem, while claiming to be concerned about things like deficits, taxes, infrastructure and big government, doesn’t look like sound thinking.

If you genuinely care about the welfare of American citizens, please look for other ways to make us safer.



Scott McKee